Words to live by

The next time you’re facing a question of value; should I buy the quality shoes or spend the extra money for the better “this or that?” Remember this: If you have a $10 head, buy a $10 helmet. Translation; You’re worth it!

I Used To Be A Parent…

To be a parent to a child, I had no idea what to do. No handbook to guide me, so of course, one became two. Then two became three as my sanity waned. When three became five, sanity then ran away; it’s face now on a poster, wanted for escape. All grown up, they’ve since moved […]

The Olympics, Curling and Doping. Really!?

Clearly, I’m missing something here. An Olympic curler has been accused of doping. Is there a rigorous activity I’ve overlooked? Some nuance that has escaped my eagle-like eyes? Let’s see, Curling: One person shoves a flat rock-thing across an icy surface, then stares at it intensely. Then, two other people try and stay ahead of […]

Today, I’m Nero; Let it Burn.

It’s early in the morning and I’d like to turn on the TV. Ultimately though, that would lead to the national news and their dreaded panels or the local news where I would learn whose tractor flipped over or how the local chess team did. Other than that, it’s commercials about erectile dysfunction, Flo selling […]

An Allegory on the Soul of Humanity

The end of our existence began with the last desperate gasp of a dying child; not as written in the ancient texts, but in silence, without even the faintest hint of a whisper. The Soul of humanity stirred and was awoken from slumber by the wretched stench of human cruelty. Borne of the Creation, and […]