While rummaging through some old boxes…

Rummaging about in one’s attic can be quite dangerous, as here, we place what we don’t want others to see. Our attics are filled with boxes, some full, many empty, of holiday decorations, heirlooms, and electronic devices, the latter kept forever on the off chance that a return may become necessary. We keep bags and […]

…and then you take a left at the Constitution…

With a highly visible media push, we are seeing a plethora of “new ideas” gaining traction or at least, the illusion of such. They range from reparations, the elimination of the electoral college and how embracing socialism can, amazingly, be considered a virtuous act. There is even talk of lowering the voting age to 16. […]

Though, he’s not real…

Sadly, Thanos may be right. We are destroying ourselves from within. The media seems to agree. According to them, the “end” is always near. “Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correcting.”  Thanos, The Avengers Infinity War […]

Good Bye and Good Luck!

I’m done. I’m washing my hands of the Republican Party. I’m saying goodbye to the media, the Democratic Party; to politics. I’m not sure what was envisioned when the parties we formed, but I doubt this is what they intended. Politics is a cesspool. We surround this wretched pond, waiting to see what floats to […]