Why Are We Here? Right here?

I don’t mean in the existential sense, I mean here, right here; look down at your feet. Have you ever wondered what kind of bad luck, Karma or whatever, it takes to be struck by lightning or hit on the head by a falling branch? You’ve tempted fate, driven recklessly, flown in storms and maybe […]

Thought: It’s time for the sheep to get the flock away from the shepherd.

This picture has been all over social media… My thoughts: Why, of course I can pray that his burden goes away, but, why ruin such a well scripted act. For if in God he believes, then God it must be who’ll grant relief to his poor aching back. The issue, you see, lies in what […]

…and then you take a left at the Constitution…

With a highly visible media push, we are seeing a plethora of “new ideas” gaining traction or at least, the illusion of such. They range from reparations, the elimination of the electoral college and how embracing socialism can, amazingly, be considered a virtuous act. There is even talk of lowering the voting age to 16. […]

Though, he’s not real…

Sadly, Thanos may be right. We are destroying ourselves from within. The media seems to agree. According to them, the “end” is always near. “Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correcting.”  Thanos, The Avengers Infinity War […]